Personal Space

Welcome to your peronal space!
Here we provide instructional videos, to give you a comprehensive overview of the “Vena methodology”. Our aim is to guide you through the process step by step, so that any questions or concerns are fully addressed.

First & Second Video (Test & Plan - Outer work)

The first & second video provides an overview of the “Outer Work“, which explains doing the test using our computer program.

First video: Equiptment Test & Execution Test
Second video:
Execution Plan

With the dataset obtained from the test, we can effectively determine:

    1. are there even intolerances, …?
    2. if yes, how severe are they?
    3. how long to reverse it/them?

With this valuable insights we can create a specific plan that is tailored to you.
We will walk you through each step, ensuring that you have a clear understanding of how it works.

Third Video (Script - Inner Work)
  • In the third video, we delve into the “Inner Work“, which focuses on achieving faster results through balancing the connection between the brain and body. This video will equip you with practical knowledge and tools to help you achieve lasting results.

By the end of these videos, you will have a comprehensive understanding of what is required to eliminate food intolerances for good. So, if you are ready to say goodbye to food intolerances, hit the play button to access life-changing information.

1. Test (Outer Work)

What you need to start the test?
  • Pulse oximeter
  • Scale
  • Wide neck bottle
  • Spoon
  • Substance (see email)
  • Test programm (see email)
  • A glass of water (if required)

(more info see document)

2. Plan (Outer Work)

What you need to start the plan?
  • Substance
  • Timer

(more info see document)

3. Script (Inner Work)

What is needed for the script?
  • time with yourself
  • computer or paper (to write)
  • excitement to read it everyday

(more info see document)

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